Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh My Gosh!

I almost feel alive today!
It is the best I have felt in exactly one week!
Now last night was another story. I don't know what was going on. I felt so bad.
I know I have neglected my blog. I just haven't felt like doing any posting.
I haven't even wanted to enter any giveaways.
I had to stop my antidepressants last week. So the last time I had any was Thursday 11/11.
Well I called the doctor the other day (I wasn't sure if I was supposed to feel the way I was)
and I explained to them that I  was really hurting and running to the bathroom. Every time I 
drink anything I was going to the bathroom. So I didn't know if everything was going the 
way it should. I was tired. I didn't want to move. Wow, I guess I am alive! To think back
to how I felt the other day I have came a long way. Yay me!
Oh.. antidepressants, I have been on them since my Dad passed away in 1999. Life is rough.
If I can take a pill and feel like I am living and not just going through the motions...give me the pill.
Anyway they told me to call my regular doctor and have them call me in one that is not extended release.
Well, they got me one called in and I went to Walmart to get it. I took that last night. Crushing pills
it not for me.   NASTY!  I don't know if that is what made me feel so sick last night or
what made me fell so better today???  I am supposed to take this 2 times a day. I really have been putting
it off this morning. I think I will go ahead and take it for today. I remember a friend cutting & braking her meds when she had her surgery. (actually when she came back to work) I don't want anything to
stop my top of my stomach. I don't know yet!
Now I am probably going from one thing to the other so if I am, forgive me.
Ok, time for me to get off the computer for a little while.
Thank you all for your emails, comments and thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am alive!

I am home from the hospital. I went through it! I will write again later.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not much longer now!

Please don't forget to
Pray for me...
This has always been one of my favorite pictures of CJ.

Friday... Friday...Friday...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Guess What??

Pooh Bear Friday

My surgery is Friday!
November 12, 2010

If you pray please say a little prayer for me!
Ok.. a BIG prayer!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

~My weekend~

Oops! Wrong cookie!

Wow, what a weekend! CJ left Friday at 4:00 to go to Raleigh NC for the annual CCYC with the Middle School Youth group. (Carolina Christian Youth Conference) It was Friday, Saturday and he will be coming home today. So my mom and I had this great weekend planned. Friday night we just sat around and watched TV with her on one end of the couch and me on the other both with laptops in our laps!  Then Saturday, I came back over with my coupons and went through them against the Harris Teeter website... I was ready to go get free stuff or nearly free. (super doubles) Then we were off to Greenville!! Just the two of us. Don't get me wrong, I love my son. But as a single mom with no dad or any of his family or a grandpa in the picture, I don't get girl time.  So this was our big chance. We went to Ollie's then Best Buy. I got wonderful news this year that I was eligible to sell back some of my sick leave. I will be getting a check the end of this month. It is not a whole bunch but I am planning on getting a laptop for CJ for Christmas. He needs one.  The one I have is not the best but it does work when it wants to. So... Into Best Buy we go and while they load the stuff on the computer or not, we are going to get Chinese!! Oh boy!  So, as we are at Best Buy the laptop I wanted was not in stock so I would have to order it. Ok. The guy tells me I can either order it at customer service or at home online.  Well I wanted this one like my mom got and it was on sale for $349.  I was afraid that I would change my mind so I went to customer service and told the guy I wanted 2. Yes 2. I was going to get one for myself too.  I deserve it! He says, why didn't they order it back there? I don't know??? Ok, I can do it here... So then I tell him I want the anti-virus and the Office home/student disc. Well the sweet little thing just lost his mind.... Uh... I need to get someone from back there to come up here. I don't know anything about that...
Call from CJ..(my phone announces then plays How Great is Our God)
Mom... Just listen, I am sick and I want you to come get me~
What?? But, girls day???
Son, you are 3 hours away. I can't just "Come get you."  Now crying I am hurting, my stomach...
Just hurry. Don't say anything just hurry.
I am still waiting on someone from computers...
I pick up the papers I had the guy in the back print off and then I wrote down what I wanted and I walked out. My mom was getting a wireless printer...
(so we can sit as described above and print from the couch)
I walked outside talked with the youth minister and told him I would be there around 4:00.
But Chinese!!! I really wanted to get Chinese. If I get to have this surgery THIS week I deserve
 this weekend, right?
We haven't eaten, but we now need to drive 3 hours to get him then turn around and go home.
No Chinese. No Harris Teeter trip. No computer, No girls day!
So the next best thing? Krispy Kreme.
(We have a buy one dozen get a dozen free card)
I'll eat doughnuts the whole way there!
(and did!)
Well, I have never went from Greenville so we hit 264 and we are driving and
I see a sign that says "to Rocky Mount" is this where I go? 
Mom: Yeah, you can go this way...
Well guess what? Now not only depressed disappointed, but also lost!
Well believe it or not, we ended up on very back roads ( remember, we live
in the middle of no where)
 I don't know how but we ended up where we were supposed to..
I go into the hotel and some of the kids were in the lobby.  CJ runs up to me.
(yeah, runs) Mom, I feel better, can I stay? Please? Please?
What the heck? Girls day!!!
Then we find out that the Church bus (that breaks down sometimes)
has broken down at the mall.
So we stay around there for about an hour. I tell him he can stay but
if he gets sick later... (he finished the sentence with...just deal with it)
That's right!
So my mom and I head back home. We stopped in Rocky Mount at Cracker Barrell.
(yeah, we finally ended up in Rocky Mount!)
Then we went to Target and ended up back home a little after nine.
Now, it is 11:07 and I got to go get ready to pick CJ up. Again!
But this time I don't have to go to Raleigh!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

~A quick update~

Wow, I just talked to a friend that I met the same day I went for my first appointment. She is still waiting on her 2nd insurance before she is able to set up her surgery date. But she said that when she went to her appointment with her surgeon (the same surgeon I have) he said he could do it that Friday! It was a Tuesday when she went. That might mean that next Friday could be my date!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm crabby! (remember, this blog is all about ME!)

My throat has been sore yesterday.
I am tired.
I'm always tired, but I didn't get much sleep last night.
I wish I could say some handsome man kept me up all night.
But it was CJ.
 He got up and came into my room then hogged the bed
and the covers!
I have worked all day in the world of food stamps.
I am ready to go home.
I feel like I am pregnant and waiting on that first doctor visit so they can tell
 me my "due date" aka... surgery date!
Gosh... say a little prayer for CJ. That picture above may be him
if he hasn't gotten his homework done.
Please Lord, let him be in a good mood!