Wow, I guess I have neglected this blog! Sorry! I guess I am doing well.
I am eating ok now. I am supposed to be on pureed foods right now. But I have been able to eat some
other stuff. Just not anything real solid. The best thing so far was yesterday...
I had to go to a doctors appointment so I dropped CJ off at school and my mom and I headed into the
big city of Greenville NC. We went to my appointment... I got stitches. It was the dermatologist and I had a large freckle he didn't like the looks of. I also had 8 skin tags taken off my neck. I have to go back next week to get the stitches out. Anyway, we went to that and then walked around the small pottery there and then went to Sam's Club. Oh my gosh! I was exhausted! (And today my calf's hurt) But we went to Wendy's for lunch and to rest. My mom and I split a small chili and I took off a few bites of her baked potato. I can't drink with my meal so we spent $3 something for lunch! Anyway... the chili... It was so good, when I picked CJ up from school I went through the Wendy's again and got another one! Tonight I made Chicken Chili. It was good too but the Wendy's chili was the BOMB!
I think I could get hooked on that.
I haven't been sick (throw up) but one time. No fun! I have had my stomach cramp up,
that is no fun either. I think I may be eating more than what I am supposed to. I don't know
if it is supposed to be 2 ounces or less, but I am eating a little more than 2 ounces.
I don't know if it has made my tiny stomach larger or not. I don't know???
Anyway, when I went to the doctor on the 23rd I had lost 13 pounds in 11 days.
I know I am losing but I am not sure how much I have lost to date. My mom's scales battery
died and I need to remember to bring another one over. I don't have any at my house. I go back to
the doctor on Monday. So I will know more then as to how much I have lost.
I am still not feeling like I think/wish I was. I have to remember that
I did just go through major surgery. I am so glad I didn't have to go back to
work after 2 weeks. I couldn't have made it. Thank God I have a good job with
benefits. I bought a 4 foot Christmas tree to put up. I really don't feel like decorating this year...
Ok... I haven't wanted to for a few years now, but this year I have an excuse! I
finally went home on Sunday night. That was the first time since November 11th. It was
nice to get home. But really, where do I still spend most of my time? My mom's.
Well, that is what has been going on with me.