So I don't have to go to my appointment Friday!
He saved me my co-pay!
Then the doctor came in... Oh what a sweetie! We chatted for a while. He got my history. (I had 2 right Pneumothorax's (Collapsed Lung) back in 1986. Then we chatted some more. Long story short he wanted me to sleep with this little thingy that checked my oxygen while I slept. It was small and connected to my finger.
I went to return the thing I slept with. Of course I got in traffic that was backed up! There had been an accident...How dare people get in my way when I needed to drop that off and get to work and not be to late? I ended up being 30 minutes late. That morning did not go well. I think I had so many people that had called and wanted to know where there food stamps were... I don't have ANY food in my house. Nothing to feed my kids...whine, whine, whine... Now let me just say food stamps for 1 person a month the max is 200 dollars. Some of these people get 6, 7 plus up to 1000+ a month. How do you not have ANY food in your house. They got on my LAST nerve. I came so close...ok actually I was on my way to my supervisors office to tell her to take it and cram it. Wouldn't you know she was not in her office? So I went to my lead worker and lost it..cry, cry, cry!
Then I went back to my office and worked just a little bit and had to go to the Nutritionist appointment...I had to be there by 1:00 which I was. I left there at 5:20. Wow. It was very interesting. Actually it was fun. There was I think 11 ladies in there including me.
Thank GOD again that when I went to pick my son up he had done his homework!
Now on to Friday...
I don't know why but I was so EMOTIONAL! I do know that I had not had some of my medicine for a few days. I didn't have the money to go pick it up. I should have just put it on my credit card. But I didn't. I was hurting so foot was killing me. (I have had 3 shots in the right foot & can't get any more) Just one more reason I want to have this surgery. Anyway I was going down the driveway to take my dog to my mom's house...(she babysits her, she doesn't do well alone after we got broken in a few years ago) So back to the driveway... I started boo hooing. I cried and cried I couldn't stop. Cried all the way to the school to drop CJ off. When I got out of the car one of the teachers came up to me and she had been crying too. She asked for me to pray for her as her & her husband were having problems. So guess what? I hugged her told her things would work out got in my car and cried some more.
Ok...Now I am at work TRYING to get some work done! The phone rings and it is the pulmnary doctor called me...not his nurse or any other staff Him! Did I mention he is a doll baby? But he has a wedding ring... Ms. Canfield, we are showing that your oxogen fluctuated throughout the night. We will need to do more testing as it seems you do have sleep apnea. So now I have to have a sleep study done! So there is one more test and then another appointment. (and another copay)
This will all be worth it in the end, right? And it is a good thing that we are doing all these test, right? I guess the sleep apnea could be one of the reasons I am so tired & moody. Well, I am tired of writing now and I have cought you up to today. Today I woke up feeling much better. So hopefully I am over my pitty party.