Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Oh My Gosh!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Not much longer now!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Guess What??
Sunday, November 7, 2010
~My weekend~
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
~A quick update~
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I'm crabby! (remember, this blog is all about ME!)
I'm always tired, but I didn't get much sleep last night.
I wish I could say some handsome man kept me up all night.
But it was CJ.
He got up and came into my room then hogged the bed
and the covers!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Still waiting........
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Not much going on this week
In April of 2004 my at the time husband called me at work and asked if I could get a ride home from work. We worked in the same building. I found one and called him back to tell him I did. That was right at 5:00. I told him I loved him and would see him later. I have not to this day seen him or talked to him.
He went to a female coworkers house and told her he was having car trouble. She was giving him a ride home. When he told her to go down a dirt road. He held a pocket knife to her. (this is all her story)
While on that road they got in a ditch, started walking (together) and then he turned around and started walking the other way.
There has been charges of Kidnapping, attempted rape, assault with a deadly weapon and who knows what else.
So that was April in December an old friend that I worked with from Martin County came to my house. Her Sunday school class took up a donation and gave me a $50 gift card to Wal-Mart. Ok let me back up a minute. My mom had been going to another Church. My son and I went there for about 2 months. While in their Sunday school class tears would roll down my face. NEVER did anyone ask if I was ok or put their hand on me to comfort me. Nothing! Nota! Then out of no where people I didn't know were reaching out to me.
I decided then I wanted to go to that church and check it out. Everyone was so kind to us. In July of 2005 I was granted a divorce. On July 24, 2005 I was Baptized and became a member of Macedonia.
So... That's my story of how I ended up there. I for some reason haven't been for the past year. But that has ended.
Off that subject I think I am going to have to call my foot doctor and see if he can do surgery on my foot while I am out for the other surgery. It has been hurting so bad. I have already gotten 3 shots this year of cortisone. So there is nothing else. I have met my deductible now so I would think this is the time!
Well, got to go home to finish washing clothes!
Have a great week!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
~I am alive~
I am alive!
So I called the surgeon's office to schedule my appointment with them...
November 8th.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
This week
Monday, September 27, 2010
One more to go!
So I don't have to go to my appointment Friday!
He saved me my co-pay!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
My upcoming week
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Quick update...remember this is a personal blog...

~Echo Done~
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I will try to get that on later!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
~Sleep Study Tonight~
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I am going to whine just a little bit...

Please pray that everything will go well and I will be safe. Healthy to be able to spend more time with my son and enjoy every minute I have.
Thank you my friends!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
What a week...
Lets start with Monday... I just had to ask my mom what Monday was... It was a holiday. You mean to tell me that it was what would normally be a 4 day work week and it was that crappy?
Monday I don't remember Monday.
Tuesday... workday I was on intake I don't think anything special happened that day.
Wednesday... I had the endoscopy that morning. It was not as bad as I remembered. As soon as I was released from there my mom and I went to The Cracker Barrel. YUM. Then we rushed over to my pulmonary appointment. When I got there they:
- Took x-rays
- Took urine
- Took 4 tubes of blood from my arm
- Did pulmonary function test
- Took blood from my wrist (checking for some kind of gases in the blood)
Then the doctor came in... Oh what a sweetie! We chatted for a while. He got my history. (I had 2 right Pneumothorax's (Collapsed Lung) back in 1986. Then we chatted some more. Long story short he wanted me to sleep with this little thingy that checked my oxygen while I slept. It was small and connected to my finger.
I went to return the thing I slept with. Of course I got in traffic that was backed up! There had been an accident...How dare people get in my way when I needed to drop that off and get to work and not be to late? I ended up being 30 minutes late. That morning did not go well. I think I had so many people that had called and wanted to know where there food stamps were... I don't have ANY food in my house. Nothing to feed my kids...whine, whine, whine... Now let me just say food stamps for 1 person a month the max is 200 dollars. Some of these people get 6, 7 plus up to 1000+ a month. How do you not have ANY food in your house. They got on my LAST nerve. I came so close...ok actually I was on my way to my supervisors office to tell her to take it and cram it. Wouldn't you know she was not in her office? So I went to my lead worker and lost it..cry, cry, cry!
Then I went back to my office and worked just a little bit and had to go to the Nutritionist appointment...I had to be there by 1:00 which I was. I left there at 5:20. Wow. It was very interesting. Actually it was fun. There was I think 11 ladies in there including me.
Thank GOD again that when I went to pick my son up he had done his homework!
Now on to Friday...
I don't know why but I was so EMOTIONAL! I do know that I had not had some of my medicine for a few days. I didn't have the money to go pick it up. I should have just put it on my credit card. But I didn't. I was hurting so foot was killing me. (I have had 3 shots in the right foot & can't get any more) Just one more reason I want to have this surgery. Anyway I was going down the driveway to take my dog to my mom's house...(she babysits her, she doesn't do well alone after we got broken in a few years ago) So back to the driveway... I started boo hooing. I cried and cried I couldn't stop. Cried all the way to the school to drop CJ off. When I got out of the car one of the teachers came up to me and she had been crying too. She asked for me to pray for her as her & her husband were having problems. So guess what? I hugged her told her things would work out got in my car and cried some more.
Ok...Now I am at work TRYING to get some work done! The phone rings and it is the pulmnary doctor called me...not his nurse or any other staff Him! Did I mention he is a doll baby? But he has a wedding ring... Ms. Canfield, we are showing that your oxogen fluctuated throughout the night. We will need to do more testing as it seems you do have sleep apnea. So now I have to have a sleep study done! So there is one more test and then another appointment. (and another copay)
This will all be worth it in the end, right? And it is a good thing that we are doing all these test, right? I guess the sleep apnea could be one of the reasons I am so tired & moody. Well, I am tired of writing now and I have cought you up to today. Today I woke up feeling much better. So hopefully I am over my pitty party.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
My day yesterday
Now, just a little information...I don't like to do anything on the weekends or my day off from work. I have gotten so lazy. I don't want to go or do anything. That is another thing that I really want to change once I have my surgery.
So then I went to the wedding...right by myself. I was happy to see some of my coworkers there. I hadn't planned on going to the reception but they didn't know how to get there so I went and didn't get home until right around 8:00.
I was really glad I went it was real nice. Well that was my Saturday!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I broke down!
I drank a soda! I let it go in my mouth and swished it around! Oh it was so good!
If you are considering this surgery a good site to go to would be I haven't been able to really check it out much but there is a place that has before pictures and when you move the mouse over the picture it shows the after. Oh my GOSH! Is this really going to work for me? I can not even imagine! Oh I hate having to wait.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Just a little disappointed
But I guess that is ok. They just want to make sure EVERYTHING is working properly!
So in my mind I am looking at probably November for my surgery!
Again, that is in my mind!
I will keep you all posted~
Please keep me in your prayers!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What I have been through this week
Wednesday I had my appointment with my regular physician. He gave me my letter of approval, and my lab results from July.
On the first Wednesday of the month they have a support group from 7:00 to 8:00. So the gal I met on the first day (the 4 hour class) had called me and wanted to know if I was going. So I told her yes. If she would go I would. Well I am really glad I went. There were people there that were in the process of getting ready to have the surgery, had already had the surgery. They were awesome! One gal that was sitting beside me had been 6 months out from her surgery and she had already lost over 100 lbs. I can not even imagine! There was a man that had lost over 200 lbs. I think he was 18 months out.
Today I took all the paperwork I had together to the surgeons office.
Today the cardiologist office called to set up my last appointment that I have to have. They had an opening for tomorrow! So, I took it!
That means that after next Thursday I will be on my way!!!!
So wish me luck!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Excited & Scared
Here we go...
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I have made a major decision
